Panagiotis & Angeliki

June 28, 2025 • Zakynthos, Greece
106 Days To Go!

Panagiotis & Angeliki

June 28, 2025 • Zakynthos, Greece
106 Days To Go!

Learn some Greek!

Hello: “Yia sas” (Γειά σας)

Good Morning: “Kalimera” (Καλημέρα)

Good Afternoon/Evening: “Kalispera” (Καλησπέρα)

Goodbye: “Antio” (“Αντίο”) or “Yia sas” (Γειά σας)

Thank You: “Efharisto” (Ευχαριστώ)

Please/You’re Welcome: “Parakalo” (Παρακαλώ)

Excuse Me/Sorry: “Signomi” (Συγγνώμη)

How are you?: “Ti kanete?” (Τι κάνετε;)

Cheers!: “Stin iyia mas!” (Στην υγειά μας!)

Yes: “Ne” (Ναι)

No: “Ohi” (Όχι)

Do You Speak English?: “Milate Anglika?” (Μιλάτε Αγγλικά;)

I don’t understand: “Den katalaveno” (Δεν καταλαβαίνω)

Note: While learning a few Greek phrases can be fun and appreciated by locals, Zakynthos is a very popular tourist destination, and English is widely spoken across the island. Most restaurants, bars, and shops cater to international visitors, so communication is usually easy even if you don’t speak Greek.